Jacob Shaw

First Aid for common injuries at home

Written by Jacob Shaw

As much as we try to make our homes a safe space, accidents can happen. From cuts and burns to sprains and fractures, it’s important to know how to handle common injuries at home. In this post, we’ll provide some basic first aid tips and advice for dealing with common injuries in our home.

Cuts and Scrapes

Minor cuts and scrapes are a common occurrence in any household. However, it’s important to properly clean and cover the wound to avoid infection. Begin by washing the affected area with soap and water, then pat it dry. If the cut is bleeding heavily, apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth until the bleeding stops. Once the bleeding has stopped, cover the wound with a sterile bandage or adhesive strip. Monitor the wound for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, and pain. If the wound becomes infected, seek medical attention.


Burns can happen when cooking, using hot appliances, or even from a hot shower. There are different types of burns, and the severity of the burn will determine the treatment. For minor burns, run lukewarm or slightly cool water over the affected area for at least 10 minutes. Avoid using ice, as this can further damage the skin. Cover the burn with a sterile bandage or dressing to protect the wound from infection. For more severe burns, seek medical attention immediately.

Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains can occur from everyday activities like gardening, exercising, or even just walking around the house. If you suspect a sprain or strain, begin by resting the affected area. Apply ice to the area for 15-20 minutes every hour for the first 24-48 hours to reduce swelling. Elevate the affected limb to reduce pain. If the pain is severe or if there is swelling or bruising, seek medical attention.


Fractures are breaks in bones, and can occur from falls, sports injuries, or other accidents. If you suspect a fracture, immobilize the affected area using a splint or sling, and seek medical attention immediately. Do not attempt to move the affected limb, as this can cause further damage.


Choking can happen when small objects, food, or other items get lodged in the throat. If someone is choking, encourage them to cough to try and dislodge the object. If they are unable to cough, perform the Heimlich maneuver or back blows until the object is dislodged or medical help arrives. It’s important to call for medical help if the person is still unable to breathe, cough, or speak.


Poisoning can occur from ingesting harmful substances like chemicals, medications, or poisonous plants. If someone has ingested a harmful substance, call the Queensland Poison Information Centre on 13 11 26 or seek medical attention immediately. Do not induce vomiting or give the person anything to drink unless instructed by a medical professional.

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe, and can be caused by food, insect stings, or other allergens. If someone is experiencing an allergic reaction, administer an EpiPen if available, call for medical help, and monitor their breathing and vital signs. If the person is having difficulty breathing, call for emergency medical assistance immediately.

It’s important to have a basic First Aid kit on hand in case of emergencies. Your kit should include sterile bandages, adhesive strips, a pair of scissors, tweezers, and a First Aid manual. Consider taking a First Aid course to learn more about how to handle common injuries and emergencies at home. We have training centres in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast.

At the end of the day, accidents can happen anywhere, even in the comfort of our own home. It’s important to know how to handle common injuries and emergencies to protect yourself and your loved ones. Remember, prevention is always the best medicine, so take steps to make your home a safe space and be prepared for any unexpected situations.