Jacob Shaw

What should an outdoors First Aid kit in Queensland contain?

Written by Jacob Shaw

When it comes to outdoor activities in Queensland, a well-stocked First Aid kit is an essential item that can help prevent and treat injuries and emergencies. Here’s a detailed list of items that your kit should contain.

Adhesive bandages

These small, self-adhesive strips are commonly known as “Band-Aids” and are a staple of any First Aid kit. They are useful for treating minor cuts, scrapes, and blisters that can occur during outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and beach trips. Look for bandages in various sizes to ensure you have the right size for each wound.

Sterile gauze

If you have a larger wound that requires more than just a bandage, sterile gauze is the next step. Gauze pads can be used to cover wounds and stop bleeding, while rolled gauze can be used to wrap wounds and hold them in place. Make sure to choose gauze that is sterile to prevent infections.

Medical tape

Use medical tape to secure bandages and gauze in place. This is particularly important for wounds in areas that move a lot, such as the hands and feet. Look for a tape that is hypoallergenic, as some people may have a sensitivity to certain types of tape.

Antiseptic wipes

These wipes are an important tool for preventing infections. Use them to clean wounds before applying bandages or gauze. Look for wipes that contain an antiseptic such as alcohol or iodine.

Pain relief medication

Pain relief medication can help alleviate minor pain and discomfort that may be experienced during outdoor activities. Consider including acetaminophen (Paracetamol) or ibuprofen in your kit.

Digital thermometer

When spending time outdoors, it’s important to keep an eye on your body temperature. A digital thermometer can help you monitor for signs of heat exhaustion or hypothermia, which can be life-threatening if left untreated.


Tweezers can be useful for removing splinters, thorns, or ticks. When removing a tick, grasp it as close to the skin as possible and pull it out in one steady motion. Do not twist or squeeze the tick as this can cause the head to remain lodged in the skin.


Scissors can be used to cut tape, gauze, and clothing if necessary. Look for a pair of scissors with a rounded tip to prevent accidental injury.

CPR face shield

A CPR face shield is an essential item if you need to perform CPR on someone who is not breathing. This de vice provides a barrier between you and the person’s mouth to prevent the spread of disease.


An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a life-saving device that can restore a person’s heartbeat in the event of cardiac arrest. While not commonly included in personal First Aid kits, it may be a good idea to have an AED available in areas where large groups of people gather for outdoor activities, such as camping on remote beaches (your typical Australian Christmas family gathering!).

Snake bite kit

If you’re hiking in Queensland, it’s important to carry a snake bite kit as venomous snakes are common in some areas. The kit should include a suction device, antiseptic wipes, and instructions for use. Note that while a snake bite kit can be useful, it is important to seek medical attention immediately if bitten by a venomous snake.


Queensland is known for its sunny weather, but prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays can lead to sunburn, skin damage, and even skin cancer. Make sure to include sunscreen with a high SPF rating in your First Aid kit, and reapply every few hours or after swimming or sweating.

If you are from overseas, do not rely on the sunscreen you’ve brought in your luggage. Make sure to buy local sunscreen that is designed for the Queensland sun.

Insect repellent

Queensland is home to a variety of insects, including mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies. Insect repellent can help prevent bites and stings, which can be itchy and uncomfortable, and may also carry disease.

Similarily to the sunscreen, it is recommended to use a local brand.

Emergency blanket

An emergency blanket can be useful in case of hypothermia or shock. The blanket reflects body heat back to the person and helps them retain warmth.


A whistle can be used to signal for help if you become lost or injured. Three short blasts can indicate distress and are recognized as a universal signal for help.

Water purification tablets

If you’re going to be spending time in remote areas, consider including water purification tablets in your kit. These tablets can help make water safe to drink by killing harmful bacteria and viruses.

Personal medication

If you have any personal medication that you need to take regularly, make sure to include it in your First Aid kit. This could include prescription medication, inhalers for asthma, or EpiPens for severe allergic reactions.

Final thoughts

It’s important to remember that this list is not exhaustive, and your specific First Aid kit may vary depending on your planned activities, location, and personal needs. However, these items are a good starting point for building a comprehensive First Aid kit for outdoor activities in Queensland.

Lastly, having all the kit in the world won’t help without knowing its proper usage. Completing a First Aid course with a trained professional with Queensland specific knowledge can really make a difference when dealing with emergencies. You can book your First Aid & CPR course at one of our Brisbane and Gold Coast locations here.